List Of Schemes Related to ODOP


Sr No



Policy Description


ODOP Products Included



Mukhya Mantri Kisan Kalyan Yojana
(Agriculture Department)

It is a scheme to provide financial assistance and support to farmers

The Mukhya Mantri Kisan Kalyan Yojana aims to improve the financial condition of farmers and provide them with necessary resources, inputs, and technology to enhance agricultural productivity. By supporting farmers, the scheme indirectly benefits various ODOP products that are linked to agriculture, such as Basmati rice, Mustard, Potato, Onion, Chilli, and more.

Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Kadaknath Chicken, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic


Supply of Kadaknath Chicken Grant

(Animal Husbandary Dept)

The scheme aims to proliferate the ODOP productKadaknath breed by improving the economic condition of beneficiaries from the Scheduled Tribe (ST) class. Beneficiaries engage in poultry farming, receiving 40 Kadaknath cock chickens, food grains, and medicines. The unit cost is ₹4,400


The Supply of Kadaknath Chicken on Grant scheme in Madhya Pradesh serves a dual purpose: conservation of the Kadaknath breed and economic upliftment of Scheduled Tribe (ST) beneficiaries. By promoting poultry farming, the scheme aligns with the One District One Product (ODOP) approach. Beneficiaries receive 40 Kadaknath cock chickens, along with food grains and medicines, contributing to both livelihoods and breed preservation

Kadaknath Chicken


Madhya Pradesh Startup Policy and Implementation Scheme

It aims to foster a conducive environment for startups and entrepreneurs

Promotes and supports startups in the state by providing incentives, grants, and infrastructure support to facilitate their growth and development. By encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, the policy can create new market opportunities for various ODOP products. Startups focusing on food processing, handicrafts, and other ODOP sectors can benefit from this policy, leading to increased diversification and value addition in the state's products.

Farm Equipment,  Wooden Furniture, Sandstone Tiles, Cloth Jacket, Potato, Banana, Tomato, Coriander, Onion, Green Peas, Chilly, Garlic, Orange.


Aatma Nirbhar Madhya Pradesh Programme

Initiative aimed at promoting self-reliance and economic independence

The Aatma Nirbhar Madhya Pradesh Programme aims to support local entrepreneurship, skill development, and employment generation to promote self-reliance. This policy is beneficial for ODOP products as it fosters a conducive environment for small businesses and startups, leading to increased opportunities and market access for ODOP products. By promoting self-reliance and local economic growth, this policy contributes to the development and sustainability of ODOP products in the state.



Aid to establish a cold chain for Agriculture / Horticulture / Dairy Processing


Establishing cold chain


Grant in aid of 35% (Rs.5 crore maximum) of the amount invested.


Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Kadaknath Chicken, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic

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Power Consumption Aid


Rebate will be payable to the related food processing unit.


According to prevailing power tariff, 20% rebate or Rs.1 per unit, whichever is lower will be provided to the high-tension consumers. This will be available for five years from year of production/commercial operations. In the off-season, for 10% of contract demand or demand of actual record, whichever is high, billing will be done according to the normal tariff.


Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Kadaknath Chicken, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic

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Reimbursement on Skill Gap Trainings


After completion of training the unit shall submit application with necessary enclosures for reimbursement of training costs to the authorized agency, within a period of three months from date of completion of the training.


Reimbursement on skill gap training Maximum limit of Rs.10,000 per employee Eligibility: 50% of the cost incurred Maximum limit: Rs.1 crore per unit..

All ODOP Products

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Incentive on Quality Certifications


Incentive will be available only once to the applicant units.


S. No.; Type of incentives; Eligibility; Maximum amount Rs.

1. CMM/CMMi/PCMM; 75% of cost; 6 lakh

2. ISO 9001/equivalent; 50% of cost; 1 lakh

All ODOP Products

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Patent Assistance



Amount sanctioned shall be disbursed by the authorised agency within a period of one week from the date of sanction.

All ODOP Products

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Assistance in Marketing

Scheme Marketing Promotion

For industry associations the application for availing marketing assistance shall be submitted. Industry associations will be entitled to receive upto 50% of stall rent for participation in international trade fairs as Madhya Pradesh pavilion outside India subject to a ceiling of Rs.10 lakhs. Minimum five industrial units participation will be necessary as part of group to avail this assistance. Assistance shall be reimbursement and the association shall have to apply within three months from the date of such participation.

All ODOP Products

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Incentive Related to Power



All eligible units having 'High Tension (HT)' connection by any DISCOM

shall be exempted from electricity duty.


All ODOP Food processing, Manufacturing Units

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Mukhyamantri Yuva Swarozgar Yojana


Financial assistance by helping people get loans from banks to setup their own small business. Objective is to promote entrepreneurship in without the need for collateral security.


Estimated cost of any undertaken should be between Rs.50,000 to Rs.10 lakh rupees.

General category will be paid 15% of total amount of the plan (maximum of Rs.1 lakh).

Subsidy of 30% (maximum Rs.2 lakh) for Scheduled Caste/Tribe/OBC/

women/disabled will be given below poverty line.

Bhopal gas tragedy and stray people have been given extra.

Interest subsidy will be given at the rate of 5% on project cost, per year (maximum Rs.25,000).

Paid a guaranteed charge at the current rate for seven years.

State Government will provide 20% of project cost (Rs.50,000) in the form of margin money or a maximum of Rs.10,000.

All ODOP Products

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Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Yojana


Provide financial support to all categories of people for setting up manufacturing or service industry.


Margin money, interest subsidy, loan guarantee and training are given for establishment of enterprise. Loan is available only for interest at 5% per annum. However, repay the loan received in 7 years.

15% of capital cost of project (maximum Rs.12 lakh) is made available as margin money. At the same time, 5% interest subsidy for male applicants and 6% interest subsidy for women applicants is given

All ODOP products

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Set up food processing units of rural youth


Rural entrepreneurs can set up a primary processing unit at a cost of up to Rs.25 lakh. Set up small scale mills to process rice, pulses, millets and dehydration units for onions and garlic, manufacturing of onion and garlic paste, soya milk and tomato puree, among others.


Cost of project up to Rs.25 lakh, of which they will receive 40% as a subsidy while the rest will be financed by bank loans


Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Kadaknath Chicken, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic


Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post-Harvest Management


Covers high density plantation, micro propagation (tissue culture), hi-tech cultivation under controlled climatic conditions, production through efficient water management techniques, nursery management for quality seed/plant, hybrid seed production, organic farming, hydroponics for year round quality production, use of plastic in horticulture, bio-technology, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), besides project based on scientific advancement and other projects related to development of infrastructure for production, Post-Harvest Management, development of market and primary processing, development of horticulture ancillary industry for improved packaging, corrugated boxes, horticulture machinery, tools, etc.

Assistance in the form of back-ended capital investment subsidy not exceeding 20% of the total project cost with a ceiling of Rs.25 lakhs per project. Subsidy would be available through participating banks/FIs in general and through NCDC in case of cooperative sector.

Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic

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Scheme of establishment of nutritional gardens in rural areas


Assistance in the field of horticulture activity is given in form of grant.


Assistance in the form of 100% grant in aid available for supply of fruits plants, vegetable, seeds with ceiling rate of Rs.250 per family, installation of zero energy food chamber for demonstration by panchayat at a total cost of Rs.2,500 for 100 kg capacity for each unit, demonstrating concept of nutritional gardens with grant limited to Rs.5,000 through Horticulture Department/ Implementing agencies.

Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic

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Schemes for Quality Development: Horticulture – ‘A’


Assistance to exporters, producers, trade associations, public institutions, etc., for setting up/strengthening laboratories.


50% of total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs.5 lakhs per beneficiary.


Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic



Schemes for Quality Development : Horticulture – ‘B’


Assistance to exporters & producers for installing quality management, quality assurance and quality control system such as ISO series, HACCP, TQM, etc., including consultancy, quality improvement and certification for these.


0% of cost subject to a ceiling of Rs.2 lakhs per beneficiary for each system


Basmati rice, Mustard, Guava, Jaggery, Coriander, Cloth Jacket, Ginger, Banana, Potato, Onion, Chilli, Chinnor Rice, Pea, Toor Dal, Custard Apple, Gram, Ginger, Gooseberry, Turmeric, Garlic
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